Why you should be bullish on cryptocurrencies in 2020

by in Finance
Why you should be bullish on cryptocurrencies in 2020
Huge Reason To Be Bullish On Cryptocurrencies in 2020

Investing in the best cheap cryptocurrency and waiting for it to blow, sounds like the best way to make a profit in the crypto world. While it sounds easy on paper, holding onto the cheapest crypto coins doesn’t always guarantee a profit. However, the uncertainty should not deter you from being bullish on cryptocurrencies.

The human to bitcoin/cryptocurrency trust levels are growing by the day, and there is no better time to invest.  However, platforms like Xcoins offer the easiest payment options. In fact, you can instantly buy Bitcoins using a debit or credit card. The adoption rate of cryptocurrencies is at an all-time high, making this the best time for investors to buy crypto coins.

While the mainstream media tries to paint a picture of a burst cryptocurrency bubble, the reality is far different. The prices of BTC and other top cryptocurrencies might have stabilized (read as dropped by mainstream media), but there is more to cryptocurrencies than just the prices.

Want some proof that cryptocurrencies are getting better by the day? JP Morgan, the financial giant, is on a cryptocurrencies’ expert hiring spree. They are preparing themselves for the next frontier in world finance. The IMF is developing its crypto coin.

Companies like Facebook, Twitter, Square, and even Paypal are all jumping onto the cryptocurrency bandwagon. These are positioning themselves accordingly to brace for the inevitable shift in financial dynamics. 

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Cheapest Way To Get Into Cryptocurrency Investment

One doesn’t need millions to get into crypto investment. While some large cryptocurrencies cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars a unit, there are altcoins that cost as low as under a dollar.

There are currently over 2,000 cryptocurrencies globally. The majority of these coins are in their infancy and don’t cost a lot. It is up to you to find the best and cheapest cryptocurrency asset with great potential and invest wisely.

There are very many places to find the cheapest coins with great potential. Read this guide on the cheapest crypto tokens in 2020 to find the best coins which you can buy in 2020.

Once you have a list of cheap coins with great potential, look for an investment plan which suits your budget. These are the best ways to invest in cheap coins and make a profit:

Patient Holding

As the name suggests, this method requires patience. Here, you look for the cheapest coins with a promising future and hold on to them until their price improves.

If you are lucky being bullish on cryptocurrencies, then the price of the cheap coin might increase, and you can then sell your tokens for a profit. While holding is not good for the growth of cryptocurrencies, it has helped a lot of people to accumulate wealth from BTC and other stable coins.

Day Trading

Here, you have to trade the cheap crypto coins for other coins in search of a profit. The trading involves buying and selling tokens based on the market price. From the trades, one can make a good profit over a long period.

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Day trading is the safest bet for beginners as it gives them leeway to make mistakes. If you lose money, you won’t have lost much as most of the tokens are very cheap and you would have gained experience while at it.

Swing Trading

This form of trading sits right between holding and day trading. You keep hold of your coins for a given period and trade when the prices improve. This type of trading requires experience as it has more intricacies than the other two forms of trading.

Now that we’ve seen how one can get into investing cheap crypto coins, what’s the cheapest way to exchange cryptocurrencies in 2020?

Cheapest Way To Exchange Cryptocurrency

There are very many cryptocurrency exchange platforms that let users exchange one crypto coin for another. The cost and process of exchanging are different at every platform.

As a new investor, you want a platform with a seamless process and low fees. We recommend new users to use Godex for all their trading. Godex has the best anonymous crypto-exchange services at very affordable rates.

With Godex, you have access to all the major crypto coins, and you can exchange as many tokens as you wish. The platform lets you make exchanges between more than 50 cryptocurrencies from anywhere in the world anonymously. Their website is straightforward and lets you complete transactions in minutes.

Why Finding The Cheapest Cryptocurrency Can Be Dangerous

When the deal’s too good think twice. A lot of cheap coins are not as good as the founders claim them to be. Most of the cheap coins sell a fantasy rather than a sustainable future. Sometimes the cheapest coins are related to unrealistic fantasies, and hackers hunting after personal identification information.

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You should, therefore, treat all these new coins with a lot of caution. In pursuit of cheap deals, be careful not to lose all your money. Always conduct extensive research before committing financially to a cryptocurrency.

The chances of someone creating another BTC are very small, but there are lots of altcoins with great potential. With some element of luck, proper research, and guidance, you could lay your hands on a cheap coin with a promising future and change your life forever.


There is no better time to start making crypto investment plans than now. The world is fast moving into digital payments and contracts, and crypto is the next frontier of world finance.

Look for a cheap crypto token today, invest some money in it and start trading it on Godex to grow your profits. The sooner you start investing in a cheap coin, the higher your returns when it explodes will be bullish on cryptocurrencies.

Why you should be bullish on cryptocurrencies in 2020