Transforming the Traditional Learning Concept

by in Education
Traditional Learning

Earlier we used to learn through word-of-mouth, then it got transformed into the Gutenberg press. Now, we learn through the internet. Traditional Learning Concept is constant but the medium has evolved.

In this era, teachers and tutors have to search and use innovative children learning programs for all age groups. This offers teachers the potential to transform the Traditional Learning Concept.

The use of technology during lectures is a common practice. Laptops and tablets are commonly used during lessons. Research shows, ‘iPad has increased pass rates by 49% in different schools and 20% improvement in math scores. These statistics make it difficult to ignore their efficacy. Tablets and laptops are just the stepping stone to the evolution of the Traditional Learning Concept.

 Modern Classroom Tech for the New Generation

Virtual and augmented reality are the budding trends of the tech industry. It is estimated that since 2018, there are 171 million virtual reality users. And, in the next four years, the revenue is likely to exceed to a great extent.

People assume that virtual reality can be used only to design interesting games. However, it can be utilized as a unique learning style to develop the interests of students.

Kinesthetic students learn by touching things and interacting, visual learners can learn by observing and auditory learners by listening. But, virtual reality offers you a combination of all the three components.

All start-ups aim to use or develop technologies that have an aspect of virtual reality in their services/products. For instance, the use of augmented reality in Pokémon Go accelerated the number of installations. In 2016, this game was the most downloaded iPhone application.

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New Scope for Publishers

The field of education needs to evolve as per modern technology. Similarly, publishers have always shouldered the responsibility to stay updated with the technology. They ought to offer a convenient and modern portal to their readers. This opens a new window for all readers, especially the children learning reading and non-fiction book readers.

Educational and other publishers can offer 360-degree accessibility to their users. This means that the users can read, listen, and also interact. For instance, during a live tutorial, students can directly ask their queries to the tutor and clear their doubts.

Since the technology is still evolving, we are likely to explore a lot of unique applications shortly. All these applications are virtually limitless. The launch of one application results in the development of another application.

The Land of Virtual Reality

It has been predicted that by 2020 the VR market will be worth $30 billion and will have approximately 500 million headsets by 2025. Almost 28 million people will be paying soon to use VR hardware and content.

There is an increase in the number of developers that have registered to design and build games. Not only games but also education is gaining its due advantage from technology. Several businesses run on the sole purpose of offering school content and training teachers.

Even Google offers several schools a temporary VR kit all around the world.

One of the major barriers to modern technology is that they are very expensive. Educational institutions and schools have a stringent budget and investing in this modern technology can be cumbersome. However, they can resort to an inexpensive option like reading program works amazingly banjig.

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Exceptional Learning Experience

Although, today, you may see a glimpse of technology empowering the traditional practice of exercise books. However, there’s a lot to be done and several measures to be taken to bring virtual reality into practice.

In the future, we can expect virtual reality to be used daily for educational purposes. The new generation of tutors can add more to this concept.

The Children Learning Reading program can skip the traditional and mundane learning patterns. Instead, developers can design an interactive technique with the help of virtual reality.

Teachers no longer need to read out loud the Shakespeare, instead, they can depict it through an audio-visual and realistic format. Children can grasp and remember better.


The learning concept is transforming into a combination of audio-visual and feeling concepts. Virtual reality is likely to bring a tremendous swing to the education sector.

And, this transformation lies in the hands of developers. They can amalgamate the right combination of design and technology to optimize the use of an application.

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