Kis for Kate quote tattoo by Edward Gorey

Posted in gallery: Tattoos by Edward Gorey.

Kis for Kate quote tattoo by Edward Gorey
Adorable black fox tattoo by Edward GoreyAwesome boy tattoo by Edward GoreyAwesome chil tattoo by Edward GoreyAwesome old men's tattoo by Edward GoreyBlack cruel tattoo by Edward GoreyBlack girl tattoo by Edward GoreyBlack shoulder tattoo by Edward GoreyBlack wrist tattoo by Edward GoreyComics style tattoo by Edward GoreyCool cat tattoo by Edward GoreyCruel skull tattoo by Edward GoreyFunny looking arm's tattoo by Edward GoreyGirl and boy  tattoo by Edward GoreyIncredible boy tattoo by Edward GoreyKis for Kate quote tattoo by Edward GoreyRed heart and skull's tattoo by Edward GoreyRed high-heels and tattoo by Edward GoreySkull men's and child tattoo by Edward GoreyStrange looking tattoo by Edward GoreyUmbrella and someone tattoo by Edward Gorey