65 Mind Bending 3D & Optical Illusion Tattoos

6 months ago / By Tattoo.Magz

Table of Contents

31. This creative neon skeleton foot tattoo.

3D neon skeleton on foot tattoo

A perfect fusion of New school and Japanese tattoo art – this neon skeleton imprint is one for the brave-hearts. Inked in multiple hues, this creatively depicts human bones meshed up in minimal flesh. 

Though there is no specific significance to this tattoo, one may consider it a chance to flaunt the inner fearless you, bordering on the gory. For the colors, you may choose something deeper in hue and opt for a stitch or two, if permissible by your artist. Are you in for trying this stunt? 

32. This nifty pen behind an ear.

3D pen behind ear tattoo

How many of you have a habit of stacking your pen behind your ears? Rather than ditching this practice – how about styling it? The pen behind your ears is one of the recent innovations that are going well with the current crop of body art lovers. In fact – many add on their little idiosyncracies by changing the style or the color of the pen or personalizing it by styling the pen as per their choices. 

Are you looking for something that is subtle but also has the capacity to differentiate you? This tattoo is just what you will need!! 

33. This terrific chest tattoo.

3D person trying to get out of chest tattoo

Keep it light but add a bit of a ghastly feature when it comes to your tattoo. Ink a typical ghost on your chest – right by pricking the skin. Shaded in the color of your skin, this is every bit scary, but not until you get closer. 

This is for the ones who prefer to be a little lowkey. However, if you plan to pin this up, you will have to be a little careful since healing of this can take an optimal time period. 

34. This ingenious tattoo.

3D pinned reminder on foot tattoo

Are you bored of the usual designs and now want something original? Well – get your leg, shave it up and choose to imprint it with one of the ingenuous illusion tattoos created by reputed artists!! Whether you like the one imprinted here or choose to emboss it with other words, this tattoo allows ample modifications as per your demands. 

This one asks you not to forget. Written in a casual style against the copybook kind of backdrop, this is one of the most opted styles in recent times. 

35. This profile masterpiece.

3D profile on arm tattoo

Which profile of yours do you prefer? Forget that and check what your tattoo can show!! This profile masterpiece style is one of the unique 3D formats that has been in trend these days. Facial anatomy is curated with a splash of colors to enhance the realistic effect. Additionally, if you wish to – you may customize this tattoo with your own profile to escalate the level of the surprise factor. 

Choose your colors well and pick out the side that makes you look like billion dollars – and print it for a lifetime!! 

36. This neat puzzle piece revealing scales tattoo.

3D puzzle effect with scales on foot tattoo

Blending geometric styles with polka trash format of body art – this realistic puzzle and illusion tattoos, available in general base and multi-color, is a great way to express the abstract in you! Either print it on your toe, or you could very well choose your arms – this gives out a puzzle-like vibe. Specifically made for those who do not wish to have any creative tattoo on their body – this type of tattoo expresses inner conflicts and almost acts like an external boundary. Would you like to portray one on your hand? 

37. These sexy red ribbons.

3D red ribbons on ankle tattoo

Want to look sexy but not very bold at heart? Then keep it simple and trendy with the red ribbon tattoos on your ankles! Mostly carved out in red or black, or blue, these ribbons locked with each other are the perfect dainty lady look you may carry all through. To enhance the look, you could pair it up with high heels and imprint a small butterfly below the ribbons. 

Make sure to have these imprints in watercolor for maximum effect. Also, choose to play with the ribbon styles and add some jewelry to the same. 

38. This brutal ripped flesh tattoo.

3D ripping skin effect on arm and chest

Another of those realistic Japanese 3D imprints is for the ones who love exploring the gore and the grime. This ripped flesh tattoo has been earmarked for those who fancy a bit of drama and darkness! With Japanese crime and anime as the backdrop, this tattoo symbolizes – perhaps a deep cut within one’s heart. One can also call it reminiscent of broken trust, a moment where the heart ripped, but there was nothing one could have done. If you have a moment as such to recall – you could very well imprint it on your torso for the remembrance. 

39. This exquisite robotic back tattoo.

3D robot effect back piece

Another of the biomechanical tattoos that have been trending in the market – this one shows the insides of the robot imprinted on the back of a human. Using black as the base, this has been created to depict the look and functioning of the interior of a robot. This may very well be seen as a simple tattoo that extricates the creativity of one, but for the ones thinking deeply – this is a tattoo that shows the internal mechanics of a person who is similar to a robot now. Would you like to show the inner you? 

40. This robotic arm tattoo.

3D robot effect on arm

Fan of the Terminator-style? Then it is time that you imprint a robotic illusion tattoos on your arm!! Like the machine man, this brings out the hardcore persona that you are and depicts your inner robotic mindset. Taking inspiration from realistic and mechanical formats of tattoo art – this symbolizes the level of intelligence that a man has. It also crudely depicts the lack of emotions that humans are depicting in recent times. For those who want to read it more – the robotic arm tattoo is a peep into the emotionless world that humanity is moving towards!! 

41. This elaborate robotic back tattoo.

3D robot effect on back

Robotic tattoos are a rage these days, and there’s no way that you are leaving the bus! But you want it unique! What’s the way out? Choosing the robot tattoo but imprinting it in different sizes. The robot tattoos generally symbolize human intelligence and lack of human emotions and create a machine-like-man scenario. Now when you ink the same in eye-like features, you could very well try to portray the robotic tendencies via the human eyes. 

The base is sketched in black, and the 3D effect is used accordingly. 

42. This amazing robotic leg tattoo.

3D robot effect on leg tattoo

Do you want to bring out the macho-man in you? Then why not imprint a robot tattoo on your calves? This rod-like tattoo, matched with flesh and skin at the backdrop, surely gives you an edge over the other robot illusion tattoos that are flooding the market. Showing the stamina and intelligence that a human body is capable of holding – this robot leg tattoo is one that most opted in the range. If you are looking for something high on power and equally creative, this body art will just fit right!! 

43. This vivid rose tattoo.

3D rose shoulder tattoo

Rose is the one to symbolize utmost passion. When you ink one on your body, all you wish is to celebrate the romance and passion of your life. However – if you are mourning the loss of a loved one or wish to start something new after a bad loss – a vivid black rose intricately designed within geometric patterns is something you will want. 

Combining floral designs with geometric backdrops – this kind of design has been in trend for a prolonged time. If you wish to ink it – make sure you customize it as per your style. 

44. This eerie skin jacket tattoo.

3D skin jacket tattoo

Are you a fan of the eerie? Then nothing can beat the magic of the skin jacket tattoo that this picture depicts! This stick-on could actually challenge the authenticity of a genuine jacket and trip your vision for a moment. Chosen often by people who love exploring more about their bodies – this kind of skin jacket illusion tattoos is quite unique and can be customized as per the person’s demands. 

If you are also checking out some on-the-face tattoo styles, it is time to give this art a look!

45. If I saw this I might actually RUN in the opposite direction.

3D snake on arm tattoo

Snake tattoos are not everyone’s cup of tea. Especially when you have a 3D skin cobra coming out of your hand – just like the Indian sage style – you are bound to get scared. Planning to run away? Leave that – scare people so that they run! Coil out any snake type you like and imprint it on your skin – either in a black base or any other shade you prefer. 

To add a punch to your tattoo, make sure to draw out a tongue and add a splash of a blue or green hue to the usual black base of the snake. 

46. This cool green space shuttle.

3D space shuttle coming out of black hole on calf tattoo

Fan of sci-fi? Then paint up your body in the New-school watercolor-based space shuttle tattoo! Portraying the launching of a space shuttle – this tattoo is a great way to challenge your inner-spaceship scientist and create an imprint that stays over time. Also, for those wishing to enlist their dreams physically for a lifetime – this perfectly set tattoo on the calf is one of the innovative ways to do so. 

Ink it on any part of your body and choose the hues according to your taste to enrich the body art. 

47. This nifty little alien spaceship.

3D spaceship on foot tattoo

Have you always been a fan of spaceships? If ET has been your dream character – it is time to express it on your skin now! Draw out an alien spaceship with the choicest colors and add quotes to make it more enticing. 

You can simply paint up the spaceship or curate some additional shots around the spaceship to improve the authenticity of the whole. For the unversed – this is mostly done using traditional ink, but you can also try using the watercolor technique for this tattoo. 

48. This brilliant “see, hear and speak no evil” tattoo.

3D speak, hear and talk to evel on chest tattoo

Skull tattoos are a tradition many have kept alive thanks to their fearless demeanor. Are you one of those? If yes – then rather than the mundane tattoo, it is time to try something new!! The see-hear-speak no evil tattoo is a new addition to the skull range of tattoos. Matching vibes with the Japanese-themed and Chicano-styled tattoos – this one tries to portray that no negative thoughts can enter the human mind, neither would they speak anything derogatory. Depicting the ideal human being in the form of a skull – this is a tattoo that comes out with multiple meanings. 

49. This love spider.

3D spider on neck tattoo

What’s the first thing that you think when you see a spider? Danger!! Well, spiders also symbolize immense patience and persistence – along with a sense of harmony and balance. Here a love spider with a red heart sign portrays wisdom and balance – along with a touch of love. 

According to some old mythical tales – a love spider symbolizes fertility and a deeper meaning to life than its superficial standards. How about trying it out on the nape of your neck or even a more extensive version on your back?

50. This huge black spider tattoo.

3D spider on thigh tattoo

Adding a realistic touch to spider imprints – this 3D format of black spider tattoo can signify both wisdom – fertility concept as well as a sense of imprisonment. Generally – spiders signify harmony, balance, fertility, and a sense of wisdom. As one of the most persistent of creatures, the black spider tattoo has been a choice for many! 

Taken from a different perspective, the spider symbolizes a web of imprisonment beyond which it is difficult to progress. Think about what you wish to portray before you decide to ink one!!