Top 14 designs of Tattoo on neck for women

by in Tattoo, Tattoo For Women, Tattoo Ideas
Tattoo on neck for women

In the starting days, tattoos were only loved by males, but as time passed now, women are also attracted towards tattoo designs. Tattoo designs nowadays are in trend among people irrespective of gender. Tattoo designs are happily taken by women on their shoulders, hands, and neck sometimes; tattoos are also seen inked on their backs. 

Here, for now, we will focus our discussion on some top trend designs of Tattoo on neck for women, as per the demand of the topic. There are so many options out there available in the market if you explore them. If you are exploring the market through the internet, then you are just at the right place. Here, as you scroll down, you will get to read more in detail about each and every available option for tattoo designs on the neck. 

List of attractive top designs of Tattoo on neck for women- 

 Floral design tattoo

 These floral design tattoos are very popular as an option for Tattoo on neck for women. A woman can go for colorful floral design patterns on the neck, or the option of black and white flowers is also a graceful choice to make. 


Rose on the neck

 A rosy tattoo on neck for women is a good option, as it will surely make them look hot and sexy. Besides this, a rose tattoo always signifies love, compassion and dedication. 

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tattoo on neck for women

A musical neck

 If you are a woman who loves music, then you can also get musical notes designed as a tattoo on neck for women. Other than one’s love for music, this is also a symbol of joy and passion. 

music tattoo

Birds Tattoo

 This is also a good option for a tattoo on neck for women, especially for those who love to travel around the globe.     

tattoo on neck for women

Moon Tattoo designs

 Moon tattoo designs are also mostly loved by women. Not just this, a moon tattoo design also adds more sex appeal to any woman’s personality. 

tattoo on neck for women

Geometrical Tattoo

These geometrical designs are also very good as Tattoo on neck for women, we cannot deny the fact that geometrical designs are very common and popular among people, and this is one type of tattoo design that is often noticed on a woman’s neck. 

tattoo on neck for women

Star Tattoo

 The star-shaped Tattoo on neck for women is just there to get the needed attention in most cases. However, if we go deeper into the meanings and interpretations, then we can say that the star tattoos are symbolic of hope, good wishes and higher success.

tattoo on neck for women

Feather Tattoo

 A feather tattoo on neck for women symbolizes freedom and intelligence, so this is another good choice to make for inking on the neck if you are a female. 

tattoo on neck for women

Butterfly Tattoo

This is another famous tattoo print especially coined for women’s neck. If we talk in detail, it signifies freedom, feminism and also elegance. 

Butterfly Tattoo

Zodiac Sign Tattoo

Most of the ladies are also seen wearing zodiac sign tattoos on their necks. These types of tattoos tell a lot in relation to a person’s personality. So, wearing your zodiac sign tattoo on your neck is also a good choice to make. 

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Zodiac tattoo

Scripted Tattoo design

 When you are exploring Tattoo on neck for women, you will surely come across the scripted or text-written tattoo design that is often used by ladies on the back of their necks.

scripted tattoo

Snake Patterned Tattoos

 This is another very common option in the list of neck tattoo for women. Snakes on the neck in real life can be scary, but such tattoos are known for signifying love intensity and other such positive, intense emotions.

snake tattoo on neck for women

Sunflower Tattoos

These sunflower tattoos on the neck of a woman are known for giving a good reminder to people about their good hot summer days. 

tattoo on neck for women

Bats Tattoo

 If you are into unusual designs and unique things, then a bat tattoo on your neck is the thing for you. Most people are scared of bats. However, when you choose to put a bat on your neck, you, as a woman, will surely come out with a unique personality. 

tattoo on neck for women

So, these are all the trendy, classy tattoo designs that are friendly to be taken on the neck for women. If you are looking for options to get them on your neck as tattoos, then the list here will be very helpful for you. All you need to do is go through this guide carefully. 


Though inking a tattoo on the neck for women can be a painful process, ladies out there are still opting for this and are happily undergoing this procedure. Ladies should visit a certified tattoo parlor. If not conducted properly, the tattoo-inking process can further lead to certain medical issues, or it may also lead to a certain type of skin damage.

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snake tattootattoo on neck for womenTattoo on neck for womenbuttefly tattoo on neck for womenfloral-neck-for-womenzodiac tattoofeather tattoo on neck for womenmoon tattoo on neck for womenbird tattoo on neck for womentattoo on neck for womenbat tattoosunflower tattooscripted tattootattoo on neck for women 1music tattoo