Suing For Airplane Turbulence Injuries

by in Health
Turbulence Injuries

Every time you board an aircraft in Alaska, you hear the flight attendant talk of safety precautions before a takeoff. This is usually done with a reason. It is to ensure plane passengers are free from unexpected happening such as occurrence of turbulence. Plane turbulence has remained to be the leading cause of Airplane Turbulence Injuries to passengers or crews on board. Sometimes these accidents happen when an individual’s seat belt sign is off. In such a case, you may have a successful claim if you can prove that the flight attendant never illuminated the seat belt sign on time and consequently you suffered injuries.

Plane Crash Injuries Caused By Turbulence

In almost every year, plane passengers and flight attendants sustain injuries as a result of plane turbulence. This may be caused by storms, change of temperature or any other natural occurrence. Though most of these causes are always unexpected, the pilot or the flight attendant may take some actions to reduce the effect of airplane turbulence.  For instance, the pilot should check the weather condition or any other factor that may lead to turbulence. As well, the pilot may change the plane speed, or use radar to help avoid massive clouds. Correspondingly, the flight attendants should make sure to give instructions to the passengers necessary to reduce risk before a takeoff.  When a plane experiences air turbulence, this may lead to injuries such as:

  • Broken bones: A severe Airplane Turbulence Injuries may lead to broken bones such as ankle bones, tibia. This is especially to those who have not buckled their seat belts properly. Rolling carts can also hit passengers leading to broken bones.
  • Slips and falls: This may happen to passenger or crews who may be walking or standing at the time of the turbulence occurrence.
  • Traumatic brain injury: These may stem from head wounds resulting from baggage falling or being knocked over by overhead bins. Besides, for the unbelted passengers, they may be thrown off their seats and hence suffer from such kinds of injuries.
  • Soft tissue injuries: The injuries mostly happen when passengers are trying to stabilize themselves after a sudden change of position.
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You cannot hold an airline or its employees liable due to an “act of God”. But this may not be the case if turbulence occurred and caused injuries due to flight crew or pilot negligence. Under such circumstance, the rule of negligence applies. This can only be brought to attention with the help of Alaska aircraft accident lawyers. For example, if a flight attendant failed to close the luggage bin properly and passengers sustained injuries due to turbulence, he/she may be held liable. But to obtain compensation, one has to prove that because of the attendant breach of duty, there were injuries suffered. However, if passengers never fastened their seat belt safely when the attendant gave the command and turbulence occurred unexpectedly, they may have a tough time trying to seek compensation. The same case applies to the attendants or the pilots. If they can foresee turbulence and fail to give precaution to passengers, they may be held liable for injuries suffered.

Common Claims Available To getting Compensation For Airplane Injuries

 There are many legal claims you may use to recover from airplane injuries as a result of turbulence. They include:

  • Product liability claim: This claim can stem from defective plane parts or equipment such as the improper installation of overhead bins. But you may need to show who was negligent in causing you harm to recover compensation.
  • Strict liability claim: This may arise if a certain component fails to function. The plaintiff doesn’t have to prove that the crew or the pilot acted negligently such as to cause harm. This is because the pilot may have reasonably navigated the plane but still, an accident occurred.
  • Claim based on negligence: If you suffered injuries due to flight attendant or pilot negligence, you may file a claim based on the fact that the defendant was careless or failed to act reasonably.
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Who Can Be Held Liable For Turbulence?

 While turbulence cannot be avoided, there are many steps a pilot or cabin crew may take to ensure they reduce risk and hence reduce the number of Airplane Turbulence Injuries. Therefore one may seek compensation against the airline or the staff. Additionally, injuries may be caused by defective components. In such a case, the plaintiff may hold the plane manufacturer liable. If you have suffered Airplane Turbulence Injuries, you may pursue compensation with the help of an experienced plane accident lawyer. Since these cases are overly complicated, it would be unwise to think you can have self -representation. This is because you will have to deal with the insurance adjuster of a large corporate who will work out every possible way to give you minimal payment.

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