Can I Get Compensated For Repetitive Motion Injuries At Workplace?

by in Health
Injuries At Workplace

For most of the workers, the idea of work-related injuries revolves around being hit by a rolling object or hurting one’s back while lifting heavy objects in the store. While these injuries qualify to be compensated through worker’s compensation Injuries At Workplace, some are hardly recognized. These are repetitive motion injuries. Unlike other injuries that happen in a single moment, repetitive motion injuries occur when a person performs that same motion for an extended period of time. To get compensated for any injuries suffered at the workplace, your employer must have purchased a worker’s compensation insurance.

Understanding Repetitive Motion Injuries

Repetitive motion injuries are also termed as repetitive strain injuries (RSIs). They are very common in the U.S. What makes these injuries worse is because they are involved in the actions of daily living. Other causes of RSI include:

  • Sitting in an awkward position for a long time
  • Forceful exertions
  • Working in cold temperatures
  • Vibration of equipment
  • Direct pressure to specific parts of the body
  • Mechanical compression

There are different types of RSI and also different ways of treatment. The worst part is that a repetitive motion injury on one part of the body may affect the muscles of another part. Again, psychological stress also tends to worsen such situations. The two major types of RSI include:

  1. Type 1 Repetitive Strain Injuries: This involves musculoskeletal disorder. Most of the time, these Injuries At Workplace are caused by repetitive tasks. But employees who don’t perform repetitive tasks may also suffer. The effect is felt on the muscles and tendons. You may note swelling or inflammation on any part of the body. Other symptoms may include loss of grip or stiffness on hands and legs
  2. Type 2 Repetitive Strain Injuries: This involves a range of causes where the nerves get damaged. With these types of injuries, you don’t see any visible symptoms. However, you may feel shooting pains and numbness on the affected areas
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If you have experienced any of the above symptoms, you may be entitled to file a claim for compensation. While you may be quick to think you will be sorted out within the shortest time possible, it can be very challenging to file a claim. This is especially if you are doing it without any legal advice. The best thing you can do is to consult a Anchorage Alaska attorneys who may do all they can to see you get fair compensation. A wide range of factors will be used to determine the amount you should receive. One factor is the severity of the Injuries At the Workplace you have suffered. Your attorney will do everything possible to get relevant evidence for successful RSIs compensation.

How To Make A Claim For RSIs

While every company is working out through its employees to meet demands, it’s not a surprise that most of these employees may suffer from RSIs. Surprisingly enough, most of these employees have never understood the benefits of seeking compensation when such injuries occur. If you have suffered from such, you only need to prove three things with your attorney’s help. To make a claim, you should:

  • Prove that your employer knew that you were at risk of developing RSIs due to the type of task you were entitled to carry out
  • Prove that your employer never took any reasonable step to reduce the risk or to ensure you were safe from RSIs
  • The work you performed involved the risk of developing RSIs and your employer was aware
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The rule of negligence is always associated with the breach of health and safety regulations. Thus, your employer may be held liable for the suffering you sustained. He/she have a legal duty of protecting your health and safety. Your employer has the duty to conduct a regular risk assessment, conduct training to the employees, or, where possible, alter any working conditions of employees. For instance, the employee’s body positions while working may be adjusted either by changing computer height or any other reasonable alteration.

Seeking For Legal Help

If you have developed a repetitive strain injury at your workplace, you have the right to be compensated. Even though you may feel you have some strong evidence to support your Injuries At Workplace, the reality is that you may not be able to argue against your employer. He/she may consult an experienced solicitor who may fight back and make it exceedingly difficult to achieve any compensation. Consulting an attorney leaves you with many benefits, and at the end of it all, you will have a strong case in your favor. Most of all, there is no need to worry about consultation fees; most of these lawyers represent clients on a contingency basis. Under this kind of agreement, you are sure that the lawyer will work towards your best interests.


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