How To Leave Your Job And Do What You Love

by in Business
How To Leave Your Job

When you hate your job, there’s nothing more demoralising than turning up to work every day. You clock in, desperate for anything else and sure that there must be something better for you than this. Well, the good news is that there almost certainly is something better than this. The bad news, of course, is that you’re going to have to work for it. We’re here to help if you identify with anything we’ve said so far. Here’s how you can leave your job and do what you love.

Figure out what you love

Just like the 12 Zodiac signs in astrology (which can also be an excellent way to help you divine what you’re after in a career), people are all different and all represent different characteristics. What kind of career you will love depends entirely on what your characteristics are and what you’re looking for. Are you a people person? Maybe something in social care would suit you? Perhaps you’re more skilled in manual work, in which case a manual career would be better. Figure out what you love and pursue it.

Don’t just leave your job

Leaving your job immediately is probably one of the most toxic things you can do for your career. It’s even worse if you leave under acrimonious circumstances. The best thing you can do once you’ve already got something lined up is to provide your employer with a well-considered 2 week notice letter, expressing your intention to leave the company.
That’s why you should take your time deciding what exactly you want to do; something might seem like a passion at the time, but in the cold light of morning you may think differently.

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Do your research

There is a job for almost everything you could want to do, but it’s not always clear what that job might be. Take forensic psychology, for example. While it might look like an attractive prospect to become a detective or a forensic analyst, there are equally rewarding jobs on offer in the prison system or within the Ministry of Justice (in the UK, at least). The job you want to do may not always be the thing you’re immediately interested in, but it might be a great stepping stone for your career.

Save some money

There’s nothing worse than venturing out into the big wide world, only to realise you don’t have enough money saved up to survive. Before you consider leaving your job, make sure that your bank account is stacked enough to survive it. There might be a couple of weeks during which you’re not working, especially if the end date of your previous job doesn’t match with the start date of your new one. It always pays to have something put away for a rainy day anyway, so start now.

Do what you love for free first

This is a controversial topic, and we’re not advocating the idea that you should undercut paid workers by offering their services for free. Instead, try to find avenues of volunteering within the industry. Let’s say that you want to be a musician. You should absolutely be paid for your work, but it could be a good idea to try to find some charity gigs to get you started. This won’t be an appropriate option for everyone, but if it can work for you then it can be a great way to gain valuable experience.

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Know your worth

It’s very important to follow the above advice up with a strong caveat. You should always, always know what you’re worth. The world of work is unfortunately full of people who will try to take advantage of you if you offer skills for free, so always be aware of how much what you’re doing is worth to the world. If you detect that you’re being exploited, it’s important to put a stop to it early so that future employers or current ones know you’re not to be messed with.   

Create a detailed plan

It’s not a good idea to simply wing it and try to leave your job without knowing exactly what you’re going to do first. This isn’t always easy; the first steps towards a new career are sometimes unclear. Still, you should try to know exactly what’s going to happen along the way as you start your new venture if you can. Write down what you expect to happen in the immediate future, the mid-term, and the long-term. Having a plan helps to arm you against the unexpected.

Speak to others in that line of work

Whatever your new job may be, there’s always someone in that job that you can speak to. We don’t necessarily mean a careers advisor, although that’s always a possibility. Try to find someone that is willing to explain to you how you could break into the industry. If you’re lucky, you might actually be able to talk your way into a new position. In most cases, you’ll at least gain a valuable contact for that industry, so talking to someone is pretty much a win-win situation.

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Know the difference between hobbies and jobs

Even if you love what you do when you get home from work, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s an appropriate area for you to work in. Know that working in what you love might actually kill your love for that hobby; journalists often talk about writing making their favourite pastime unenjoyable for them. Your passion should be more than skin-deep if you want to survive in a new job, or you’ll just end up hating it as much as you hate your current role.  


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