Cubism tattoos by Bugs

by in Tattoo

While Cubism’s father is Pablo Picasso, Cubism in the world of tattoos can definitely be related to one person – it is Bugs. Much like the father of Cubism, Bugs was also born in France and now works in America, producing one of the finest works in the industry of tattoos.

If there is a person who argues that tattooing is not an art, show him our gallery, filled with Cubism tattoos by Bugs. We are sure that his opinion will change in the blink of an eye.

However, we must mention that it is almost impossible to get artist’s attention. After spending more than 30 years in the tattooing business, Bugs accepts offers only from exceptional and loyal clients who travel all over the world to L.A. to have their skin tattooed by the famous man.

Another exceptional thing about Cubism tattoos by Bugs is that his tattoos can be found not only on other people bodies. There have been a number of exhibitions where his works have been shown not only in America but all around the world too, like England, Spain or even Japan.

In our gallery we have put what we think to be the best Cubism tattoos by Bugs so every person can find something for his unique style. Even though the main theme of Bugs’ tattoos is relationship between people, we have found some amazing looking images of animals too. Be sure to check them out too.
We are sure that Cubism tattoos by Bugs will capture you just like his works caught us – not only forms and themes of the images but awesome colours too.

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