Common Side Effects Of Flu Jab | Must Read

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side effects of flu jab

The side effects of flu jab are quite similar to the flu. However, these symptoms are milder than the actual flu infection. The flu-shot can treat the symptoms within 2-3 days. Many people worry about the side effects of flu shots, but it is rare to have serious consequences. Above all, many people think that they develop the flu after receiving the shot. Yet. the risks of actual flu can be several times more detrimental as compared to its vaccination side-effects. In this post, we will try to burst the misconceptions related to the side effects of flu jab. Let’s proceed further! 

What Is Influenza (Flu)?

The flu, also known as common flu, is a viral infection that disseminates by secretions of the nose and lungs, such as when sneezing, from person to person. Medically, another term for influenza is the common flu. The flu is a respiratory illness, an infection that occurs mainly in the lungs.

Respiratory infections caused by other viruses are also called influenza, although this is wrong. Typically, these infections are known as URIs (upper respiratory infections) and have different causes. Compared to other respiratory illnesses, influenza typically triggers higher fever, more malaise, and severe body aches. While these flu-like symptoms can result from other viruses, they do so less frequently.

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Types Of Flu Vaccines

For seasonal influenza, flu vaccines are already available. Pandemic vaccines can also there for particular flu virus strains that cause severe illness, such as those in 2009 with the H1N1 virus.

Every year, influenza virus composition varies, rendering the vaccine used in previous years ineffective. A new vaccine that will be effective against the forms of influenza virus predicted to spread in the upcoming season must be prepared each year. They are mainly the vaccines for the seasonal flu. Below are the two main ways to give the flu shot: 

1: The injection (“flu shot”) vaccine

The flu vaccine is an inactivated vaccine, which includes either a killed influenza virus or a recombinant vaccine. It does not use any particles of the virus in the process of development. The vaccine is given to muscles or skin by health care providers, activating the immune system to create an immune response (antibodies) to the influenza virus.

The “flu shot” vaccine is administered by medical practitioners as a single dose of liquid injected through the skin into the muscle (intramuscular or IM). The flu vaccine is usually administered into the deltoid muscle on the side of the arm by health care practitioners, using alcohol applied over the skin for sterilization. The vaccine is given annually, every fall, by health care professionals. Side effects of flu jab are rare with the vaccine.

side effects of flu jab

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2: The nasal-spray vaccine

In 2003, the nasal-spray flu vaccine was first approved (sometimes referred to as LAIV for the live attenuated flu vaccine, brand name FluMist). It aims at the same virus strains as the flu shot but varies in that instead of killed viruses, it contains weakened live influenza viruses and is administered instead of injection by nasal spray.


Since the vaccine viruses are weak enough that they themselves do not cause severe flu symptoms, the vaccine is considered an attenuated vaccine. The nasal spray flu vaccine is suitable to use for people of 2-49 years of age who are not pregnant. For persons with some underlying medical conditions, it should not be included. Every LAIV is quadrivalent (four-component).

In the nasal-spray vaccine, the live viruses are weak so that they do not cause serious symptoms. As a side effect of the vaccine, however, mild symptoms may occur. Runny nose, fever, sore throat, and cough can be side effects of flu jab with the nasal spray. Mild fever and muscle aches can also occur in children who receive the vaccine.

Nasal spray vaccine

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Why Is It Necessary To Get The Flu Vaccination?

The flu is extremely contagious and can also be life-threatening, and is a potentially severe viral respiratory infection. Although the symptoms are typically mild, like other viral respiratory infections, most people may continue working or going to school while sick. However, with the flu, the symptoms are extreme and long and cause people to miss work or school days. The infection can cause stress to the body. 

In addition, superinfections can occur as a flu complication. Bacterial infections that occur on top of respiratory infections are superinfections. Bacterial respiratory infections are often a severe form of infection, and the function of the lungs and the body may be affected by simultaneous viral and bacterial infections. While flu treatment medicines are available, they are costly, not as effective as vaccination against influenza. Besides, these need to be started within 24-48 hours of the onset of symptoms.

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What Is The Right Time To Receive Flu Vaccine? 

Before flu season starts in your state, health care providers suggest having the influenza vaccine. Adequate antibody response against the flu takes about two weeks for the vaccine to develop.

What Can Be The Possible Side Effects Of Flu Jab?

Significant side effects of flu jab are very rare. The injection vaccine’s side effects include soreness at the injection site, muscle aches, fever, and feeling unwell. In the rarest cases, severe allergic reactions may occur in the people. The viruses are weak and do not cause serious symptoms in the nasal spray vaccine; they do not cause you to get the flu. A runny nose, moderate fever, sore throat, cough, muscle aches, headache, and vomiting can be side effects of flu jab with the nasal spray.

Side effects of flu vaccine

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Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a condition that has main symptoms like fever, muscle weakness, and nerve damage. Vaccination with a swine flu vaccine was related to the development of GBS in 1976. The studies examined the correlation of GBS with other flu vaccines, with only one of the studies suggesting a correlation. The single study indicated that out of 1 million vaccinated individuals, one person might be at risk of vaccine-related GBS.


This post elaborates on the possible side effects of the flu jab and bursts the misconception people have about the vaccine shots. Besides, this post also incorporates some essential points you need to know about the flu vaccination. For more health-related topics, you can visit our blog section. 


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