Best Treatment for Every Kind of Acne

by in Skin care
Every Kind of Acne

Every Kind of Acne can be tough to treat and is the most common problem in teenagers and young adolescents. Those inflamed pimples remain on the skin as stubborn tender red bumps. While it is recommended to see a dermatologist to cure severe acne, the good news is that it is possible to rely on home-based remedies for every kind of acne treatment. After all, nothing could be better than letting the natural solutions work on the skin and with no side effects.

Cleansers and Masks

The milder cases of acne can be easily treated at home, and here are some suggestions for those looking for acne treatment at home.

  • Grapes – A recent study published in Advances in Dermatology and Allergology asserts how the skin of the red Bio grape seed is effective in curbing bactericidal activity against Cut bacterium acnes. So, just mash a bunch of grapes in a bowl and rub the paste on your skin slowly. Let it dry and later rinse with cold water.
  • Aloe Vera – Extr act some fresh aloe gel from the Aloe plant and apply it directly on your skin, especially those areas with acne spots. Leave the gel on for some time and rinse it off with cool water. You can immediately sense relief from the pain and inflammation.
  • Cucumbers – Rub slices of cucumber on your face to reduce the irritation, swelling, and pain of acne and get relief from inflammation associated with every kind of acne. Cucumbers leave a hydrating and soothing benefit on the skin and reduce pain and inflammation. You can mash cucumber and mix it with yogurt and sugar and use it as a face mask.
  • Oatmeal –   Use the hydrating and anti-inflammatory benefits of oatmeal to your benefit for every kind of acne. Take a bowl of oatmeal, a little amount of baking soda, and mix with water till it forms a paste. Apply the paste all over your face and leave it on for few minutes before rinsing off. The Journal of Drugs and Dermatology article confirms the naturally soothing and anti-inflammatory properties of oatmeal.
  • Turmeric- Turmeric has been used in India since ancient times as skin cleanser, and modern science confirms its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties. Thus, a mask made of turmeric is effective in treating every kind of acne and other skin conditions. Make a paste of turmeric, sandalwood powder, and chickpea flour in a bowl with water or almond oil. People with dry skin can also use curd for some extra moisture. Apply the mask on the face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Use fingers to rub off the mask gently and rinse with water.
  • Honey – Honey is well known as a natural cleanser and has many healing properties. Take advantage of the antibacterial properties of honey to lower the growth of C. acnes. Just apply honey on your skin and rinse off with warm water after 20-30 minutes. It is important for you to conduct a patch test before as honey isn’t suitable for all skin types. You have to be careful with this acne treatment.
  • Yeast and Yogurt – Take some dry yeast and plain yogurt in a bowl and create a thin mixture. Apply the mix on your face evenly on all affected areas and leave it on for about half an hour. Rinse with warm water and then with cold water. Dermatology research suggests that dairy products can help promote skin health.
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Use the above every kind of acne treatment products made at home and keep your skin free of acne as well as moisturized and healthy. These homemade facial masks and cleansers are much more effective than those acne treatment creams you buy from the market. Get help with acne and rejuvenate your skin and see how your skin responds to those common home-based remedies.

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