40 Sleeve Tattoos For Men That Are Beyond Perfect

4 months ago / By Tattoo.Magz

Sleeve tattoos for men are intricate pieces of artwork that usually go from the wrist right up to the shoulder. A man’s arm is a perfect canvas for any tattooer, allowing them to dream up exquisite designs.

Sleeve tattoos for men cost a pretty penny, but the result is well worth it. I highly recommend saving up to get your sleeve done properly, pay cheap, get cheap, always remember that.

From Greek Gods, to kick ass skulls, to budding roses or naturalistic sceneries, sleeve tattoos for men tell wondrous stories. They mesmerise any onlooker and are sexy as hell. There is nothing quite like a man with a sleeve tattoo. Thanks for caring, thanks for sharing.

Table of Contents

1. This gorgeous black and grey sleeve tattoo for men.

black and grey full sleeve tattoo by juncha

(photo by juncha)

2. This blackwork sleeve tattoo for men.

blackwork tattoo by effedots

(photo by effedots)

3. This intricate full sleeve tattoo for men.

brilliant sleeve tattoo by nissaco

(photo by nissaco)

4. This mesmerising full sleeve tattoo for men.

dotwork mandala tattoo sleeve by ivan_hack

(photo by ivan_hack)

5. This enchanting full sleeve tattoo for men.

flower and bird sleeve tattoo by nissaco

(photo by nissaco)

6. This geometrically wonderful sleeve tattoo.

full sleeve geometric tattoo by lewisink

(photo by lewisink)

7. This incredible sleeve tattoo for men.

full sleeve tattoo by ivan_hack

(photo by ivan_hack)

8. This brilliant sleeve tattoo for men.

full sleeve tattoo by mckenzietattooer

(photo by mckenzietattooer)

9. This exquisite full sleeve tattoo for men.

full sleeve tattoo by rochone1

(photo by rochone1)

10. This phenomenal full sleeve tattoo.

full sleeve tattoo

(artist unknown)