The Good and Bad things about being a python developer

by in Technology
a python developer

This programming language was created by the Netherlands in the latter half of the 1980s, but it was published in the late 1980s by Guido van Rossum in February 1991.The programming language was significantly affected by ABC Language and Modula-3. The concept for the language comes from a television show called The Monty Python’s Flying Circus. Being a a python developer-

Features Provided by Python for a a python developer

  • Simple and Easy to Learn to be a python developer

One of the primary reasons why Python and a python developer has evolved into a well-known programming language is the simplicity. The program’s syntax and reading using the syntax is easy and feels as if you’re reading English.

As opposed to other languages, this syntax doesn’t need a semicolon in order to define it as a code block. The non-conventional syntax, or the simple syntax, makes it one of the most simple languages to learn or begin learning to code with. This makes it simple to master.

Free and Open Source

When Python was initially developed at the time, the developers came up with the idea of allowing the community to contribute to and improve the program. This resulted in the idea of making python a non-profit and open-source programming language.

It means the program is available free of charge to everyone. This feature lets programmers access, distribute, and modify the software at no cost and without difficulty.

  • High-level Language

Since Python has a higher-level programming language that makes life simpler for programmers. Memory allocation is made easier since the automatic allocation occurs during runtime when an element is assigned an amount.

Python is more like a human language than a machine. This makes it much easier for people to learn the language, use the language and to comprehend the language. Thanks to these features, the errors rate in software has dramatically decreased.

  • Portable
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We have now established that Python is a high-level programming language that is an open-source language , there are many advantages to having both. One of these is portability. This feature allows programmers to work with the Python language on various operating systems and platforms easily. The Operating systems that you can run Python on are Linux, UNIX, Windows, Mac OS X / OS X / macOS etc.

  • Interpreted

To comprehend the way an interpreted language functions We must understand how a compiled system works. In a language that is compiled, the following steps occur:

  • Enter the code
  • Transform the code into binary code that your computer can read to be able to comprehend.
  • Run the code that was converted.

In a language which is interpreted however, the following steps are followed:

  • Copy the code
  • Run the code

In the event that you create code using an interpreter language such as Python, you can skip the steps of converting the code into binary code to make it easier for computers to comprehend.

This feature allows programmers to quickly analyze the code.

  • Object-Oriented & Procedure-oriented

Python is an object-oriented programming language. This means that the programmer is focused on the object in front of them while writing the code, and the program is designed with the object.

OOP is designed to work around parent-child relationships, which brings into the realm that of inheritance, polymorphism as well as the concept of encapsulation.

OOP adds the possibility of creating reusable codes. This is among the most significant advantages of Python because it allows you to use the reused code to deal using other types of objects.

Python is in addition a procedural language , which allows the programmer to concentrate on the issue to be solved while programming. This feature can also introduce the concept of reusable code and functions. They can be used at various times and in various codes.

  • Extensible
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In making Python a flexible language, it allows those who have knowledge and experience with C as well as C++ to write the python language code within these languages.

Contrary to Python, C and C++ are constructed languages that transform your code to binary machine code prior to execution.

  • Embeddable

Python can be embedded because it’s additionally possible to create your Python program in source code written in different languages such as C, C++, JAVA etc.

and, as mentioned earlier, programmers can’t code C and C++ programming within Python’s program’s source code.

  • Extensive Standard Library

Permitting Python to be free and open source for any programming language and allows programmers and developers around the globe to work upon the program.

As time passed it resulted in the development of a wide range of libraries that offer different functions. These libraries are equipped with built-in functions that make programming faster as well as more effective.

  • Classes

Since Python is an object-oriented programming language, the notions of inheritance, polymorphism as well as the concept of encapsulation are accessible to use. Programmers are able to design and interact with classes.

  • Functions

Function libraries have built-in functions you can use and reuse. Python also has an array of comprehensive built-in functions. You don’t need to connect to these functions via any library. You can access the program as and when you require.

  • Modules

Sometimes, functions and classes could be beneficial for specific concepts or programs. To make it easy to access both of them, Python offers the module feature that groups both.

  • Packages

Python packages comprise a collection of Python modules that are grouped in a single location. This allows programmers to organize similar modules for better accessibility and sharing.

  • Supports exception handling
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When you are working with certain codes there will be times when the input could cause disruption to the flow of your program. This can result in an endless loop or even the program going down.

The inputs or issues that can cause disruption are called exceptions. Python includes features to address exceptions and to prevent such scenarios.

  • Robust

The ease of learning and working with Python allows the language to be simple to analyze and also helps to reduce the number of errors in the code. In addition, the fact that python is adept at handling exceptions ensures that the language is robust.

  • Features that are advanced

Python also includes an array of advanced features like lists, data frames and generator comprehensions. that it can provide.

  • GUI Programming Support

One of Python’s wide range of library options is the Graphic User Interface library. Developers make use of this library to create desktop apps.

The cons of Python language- a python developer

  • It’s memory is not as efficient

The time required is longer due to dynamic allocation and the variables aren’t properly initialized.

  • Longer run time

Interpreter languages require longer time to execute because they don’t initially translate the code to the binary format.

  • Not appropriate for Hardware programming

The high-level languages like Python are not suitable to program hardware. They require low-level languages such as machine language or assembly language that the machine is able to be able to comprehend quickly.

  • Poor for mobile computing

Python isn’t the most suitable programming language to use when you are working on mobile apps or the development of games for mobile devices.

  • Inefficacious threading

Python developers an interpreter lock called a Global Interpreter Lock. It will only allow the execution of only one thread at a.


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