Ink Them All With These 60 Pokemon Tattoos

3 months ago / By Tattoo.Magz

Table of Contents

21. This cute Poliwhirl Pokemon tattoo.



22. This Ekans tattoo.

Ekans Pokemon tattoo


23. This terrifying Gastly Pokemon tattoo.

Gastly Pokemon tattoo


24. These haunting Pokemon tattoos.

Gastly, Haunter and Gengar Pokemon tattoos


25. This super cool Gyarados Pokemon tattoo.

Gyarados Pokemon tattoo


26. This colorful Pokemon half sleeve tattoo.

Half sleeve Pokemon tattoo


27. This amazing Haunter Pokemon tattoo.

Haunter Pokemon tattoo


28. This Pokeball tattoo.

I choose you Pokemon tattoo


29. This singing Jigglypuff tattoo.

Jigglypuff Pokemon tattoo


30. This fun Pokemon tattoo.

Jigglypuff Pokemon tattoo1