65 Mind Bending 3D & Optical Illusion Tattoos

6 months ago / By Tattoo.Magz

Table of Contents

61. This impressive dragonfly tattoo.

3D dragonfly on arm tattoo

How about having a tattoo that calms your soul? Dragonfly tattoos – etched in blackwork and enabled with a 3D effect gives the perfect look to your persona! One of the few insects that hold multiple meanings in different domains – a dragonfly according to Chinese myths symbolizes harmony and peace. Go the Nirvana aspect – this depicts change and transformation. 

Are you looking for tribal significance? Purity, swiftness, happiness, and transformation are some of the key factors that it depicts. Normally etched in black – it could also be done in some of your choicest contrasting shades!! 

62. This awesome vortex.

3D head vortex

Are you a biology freak? There’s nothing better than the logarithmic spiral in its fractal and natural form to sustain your biological curiosities!! Primarily etched in black, though you could allow some contrasting shades to fill in – this vortex takes you deep within giving a perfect spider-web like feel. 

For the philosophical souls – the vortex is a means to seep in energy from atop the mind into the body representing unending potential. Adding some twist to it, you could etch the Fibonacci spiral atop your head to enhance your power status.

63. These angelic wings.

3D wings tattoo

Do you believe in the protection of the Guardian Angel? It is time to ink it on your back then!! Done up in black – or you may choose contrasting shades – these angelic wings signify protection, harmony, and God’s strength to the person concerned. Though it is primarily of Christian significance – but one and all may ink this format on their backs. 

For the unversed – apart from romantic love it also depicts earthly emotions of love – care – warmth. It may also depict a tribute to oneself – of the stellar qualities that one may possess. 

65. This pretty Autum leaf.

3D Autum leaf on shoulder tattoo

While the trees shed their leaves – a new cycle of life starts! That’s precisely what the autumn leaf in orange symbolizes at the back of your shoulder. Done up in watercolor tattoo format – this leaf signifies the end of one life and the start of a new one. If you are someone who wishes to live your life through the cycles of life – this tattoo outlines what living the cycle feels like. 

For a change – you could also ink it in black and fill it in with hues such as yellow, green, and orange to enhance the effect.