Alternative Wedding Ideas That Break Free From Tradition

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Alternative Wedding Ideas

According to a recent survey done by The Knot, the average cost of a wedding is $19,000. Couples spend $10,500 on a venue for their reception, $1,900 on a rehearsal dinner and $3,700 on a band to play some music. But let’s say you don’t want all that…There’s certainly no rule book that says you have to get married in a manor house, being trailed by a photographer. The most important thing about a wedding is that it is unique to the couple. It’s your wedding, you do it your way. Instead of going for the traditional ceremony, you could think outside of the box and start your married life together with a real Alternative Wedding Ideas

Have a family elopement – Alternative Wedding Ideas

55% of millennials are now choosing to have children before they get married. For many couples, getting married means not only making a promise to one another, but also to their children. A lot of couples also have children from their previous relationship. The blended family has become the norm, so why not make everyone part of the wedding? Rather than spend your wedding budget on a wedding venue and reception, put the money towards a vacation and sightseeing cruises altogether at Vacations Made Easy.You can all enjoy a special elopement, making the adventure together part of the experience. Giving your children the opportunity to be part of your wedding vows will be a real affirmation of how important they really are to you both. They can be your witnesses, and have an integral role in your marriage ceremony.

A self-uniting wedding 

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There are nine states in America where you don’t need to have an officiant joining you both in matrimony. The states where you can have a special self-uniting wedding are California, Colorado, Illinois, Nevada, Maine, Pennsylvania, Kansas, Wisconsin and the District of Columbia. Not having an officiant means that you can decide exactly how you want your wedding service to be, and how to make your vows to one another. Just make sure that you still bring rings to your service. Wedding bands symbolize eternity together and the special bond that you have.Your rings could be simple gold bands, or more elaborate rings inlaid with diamonds – the most important thing is the promise that is made with them. 

A double wedding 

If you have a very close friend, sibling or other family member who also plans on getting married, why not make it a double wedding? You could have a really special family celebration and it would cost considerably less than hosting two ceremonies. You can decide between you who will organize each element of your wedding, cutting down the amount of planning that you will have to do. Many double-wedding couples choose to have a destination wedding, enjoying a vacation together afterwards. 

When you get married, you don’t have to have a traditional service in a place of worship or wedding venue, followed by a reception. You can host the perfect, unique wedding day with your own rules. 


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