7 Refrigerator Problems where Professional Guidance is Highly Essential

by in Home Improvment
7 Refrigerator Problems

Undoubtedly, a high-functioning refrigerator plays a pivotal role in preserving food items. With the emergence of this sort of home appliance, minimizing bacterial growth, keeping the food delicacies fresh, at a favorable temperature, has become easier. But, with time, due to consistent usage or mishandling, it can lead to several technical problems. Because of inadequate cleaning and maintenance, the different units of a refrigerator can eventually start to deteriorate in their performance output. Like any other home essentials, a refrigerator also comes with a limited life expectancy. Sometimes, due to having a contaminated compressor unit, the device can completely stop responding. There must be infallible reasons behind a refrigerator that has suddenly stopped operating. In certain instances, despite implementing DIY hacks, consider contacting an experienced technician. They can effectively assist you in recovering the technical mishaps within a stipulated time. With their immense expertise, the professional team will initially diagnose the problem and then repair or replace the defective parts. So, if you are in a dilemma about whether you should consider hiring an expert or not, here we are providing 7 potential refrigerator-related problems where professional intervention is necessary.

1. Water Leakage Issues

Are you experiencing water leakage problems in the refrigerator? Then, don’t delay in reaching out to a veteran fridge repair Dubai expert for an immediate recovery. Though, the water leakage problem can get triggered at any time. But, the majority of the individuals are still unaware of the potential reasons behind such an occurrence. 

Primarily, due to a clogged defrost drain or for a frozen water supply line, you can encounter this problem. Thinking about how defrost drain gets blocked? Well, the food particles or dust and debris can completely block the drain path.

Sometimes, removing the contamination can aid in resolving the water leakage problem. But, locating the defrost drain can be nerve-wracking for a homeowner who is not aware of the device’s mechanism. Simply, take professional help to overcome such a crucial problem. 

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Moreover, we would highly advise you to not get into the repair part without having prior knowledge in repairing, leave that to the repair specialist. When it comes to unclogging the water supply line, without knowing the root cause of the problem, you can’t solve it. 

Most likely, this sort of problem tends to occur when there is any unexpected wear or tear. Thus, consider replacing the water supply line with the assistance of professionals. You can also unclog the water drainpipe on your own, but make sure you have unplugged the necessary power cords first. Right after that, close the shut-off valve, this will help you safeguard against an unwanted electrical fault. But even after this, if the water leakage problem still persists, only a technician can help you out.

2. Water Dispenser Problems

Nowadays, the latest refrigerators come with a built-in water dispenser that successfully generates cold and freshwater. But sometimes, even this effective refrigerator component can stop responding, out of nowhere. And, there can be plenty of reasons behind such a technical fault. Thinking about what made the water dispenser malfunctioned? Then, let us make it clear that, in most of the instance, a frozen water tub can be responsible for such an occurrence.

When a water tub gets frozen due to an improper temperature setting, then it prevents the freshwater from flowing through the dispenser. Fortunately, this water tab can be easily removed, so you won’t get any hurdle whilst dealing with this problem. 

But, if the water dispenser has stopped operating due to a damaged water inlet valve, then you might require professional support. You might need to consider replacing the water inlet valve if it becomes completely inoperative. 

3. Cooling Problems

During the refrigerator’s longevity, you might sometimes find that the device has completely stopped cooling. As a result, the stored ingredients or food items might start to decay. So, if you have encountered this refrigerator problem, we would highly suggest taking immediate action. In most circumstances, a contaminated condenser coil probably can lead to this problem. Consider cleaning the condenser coil properly and disinfect it, to make it germ-free. 

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Apart from that, make sure you have also checked the condenser fan motor. Sometimes, it can be also responsible when the refrigerator stops providing cool air. Here is some other reason which can prevent the device from cooling properly:

  • Faulty start capacitor
  • Malfunctioned start relay and temperature control thermostat
  • Non-functional evaporator fan motor

4. An Overheated Refrigerator

Refrigerators, irrespective of their size, brand, or model are primarily designed to keep the surrounding cool and prevent the device from generating excessive heat. But, when you will particularly notice this cooling system is overheating, you will definitely need to contact a professional. 

Particularly, this sort of problem takes place when the condenser coils get filled with dirt, dust over the years. Simply, consider cleaning the condenser coils beforehand and make sure the condenser fan motor is also working properly. Often, a refrigerator that is overheating can decline the estimated life expectancy of the device. 

So, once you realize the device is producing heat more than it requires, determine the source of the problem immediately. Resolving such problems without taking professional help can be daunting, so make sure you have hired a technical expert. 

5. An Unexpected Ice Buildup in the Freezer

Obviously, the refrigerator’s freezer is an ideal place for ice storage, but when the entire freezer starts to build up ice, it can turn out to be the most hard-to-resolve problem. Thinking about what should be the potential cause for such an occurrence? Well, you must have unknowingly kept the freezer open for a prolonged time, which has probably caused the ice build-up. Because, when the freezer remains open, it eventually increases the humidity level of the freezer. 

As a result, for adjusting to the hot-humid temperature outside, the entire freezer starts to build up ice. So, make sure, you have closed the freezer door immediately once you are done with accessing this cooling unit. 

Moreover, when the seal of the freezer door somehow becomes damaged, it lets in outside air which ultimately increases the humidity level. Consider replacing the freezer’s seal to ensure that the device temperature is under control. 

6. The Device is Consuming Excessive Electricity

Did the last month’s utility bill suddenly increase? Then, you must acknowledge that something is wrong with the refrigerator. Because cooling systems such as refrigerators are labelled as one of the most energy-intensive appliances. So, even a minor problem in these sorts of electric devices can adversely impact the overall energy consumption. Get hold of a professional to measure the daily energy usage of the refrigerator.  It’s better also to gain knowledge about different types of high voltage power supplies for you to know what are the things to consider when the problem is something that concerns this.

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You can get an excessive utility bill when the units of the device will eventually start to decrease their performance. Sometimes, using a refrigerator for more than 3-4 years can lead to such problems. Opt for an immediate unit replacement for improving the device’s functionality and to help it maintain the requisite temperature. But, if you have bought a refrigerator more than 12-13 years ago, we would highly recommend replacing it with a new one. 

7. Unusual Sound coming from Refrigerator

Are you frequently getting a buzzing or arcing noise whenever you are turning the refrigerator on? Then, there is a high probability that one of its fans has become inoperable somehow. Start diagnosing the source of the problem to resolve this technical problem within a short span. 

Usually, in every type of refrigerator, there is the existence of two fans — one is a condenser fan and the other one is an evaporator fan. But, do you know the main purpose of these two refrigerator fans? The prime function of the condenser fan is to keep the unit’s condenser coil cool. 

Meanwhile, an evaporator fan extracts the air from the evaporator’s coil, but for that, a high-functioning compressor is required. These two fans operate simultaneously, but if a problem triggers in one of these fans, the device certainly makes noise. Book an appointment with a technician and check whether the motors of these fans have broken. 

Unable to Overcome the Refrigerator Problem?

Sometimes, detecting the source of a technical problem can take an ample amount of time. So, without taking any further action, make sure you have connected with an authorized refrigerator repair company. Refrigerators, being one of the most-accessed devices, can provide their peak performance for more than 14-15 years. But, make sure, you have availed a yearly maintenance service to extend the longevity of the device and for preventing unwanted breakdown. So, increase operational efficiency now!

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