How to match your wedding invitations with your couples design tattoo

by in Tattoo, Wedding

Every day you wake up and see another trend on social media. While many people choose to ignore these trends, others get influenced by them. Wedding trends have also been changing rapidly with time, and you can see many young couples following these trends. You might be thinking, what is so special about these trends, or why are people going for them? 


Like getting tattoo wedding rings and matching tattoos, people have now started using their tattoos as an inspiration for their wedding cards. An invitation card is an integral part of a wedding ceremony that lets the guests know when the wedding will start and where it will take place. 


Tattoo trends and cards    

While preparing for the wedding and brainstorming many ideas, couples lack ideas. They start looking for inspiration in the smallest of things, and if you are someone who has matching couple tattoos, you can use them to create beautiful wedding cards. 

  • Gothic look: Tattoo wedding cards are often created in black and white to give a gothic look. This can also depend upon the theme of the wedding. Many couples choose to match the wedding theme with the cards so that the guests have an idea about how the wedding venue will look. 


How to create tattoo wedding cards  

  • Find inspiration: Your main motive for the wedding should be finding inspiration from within so that whatever is executed, it is executed in a way that looks more like you and less like someone else. Taking inspiration from your couple’s tattoos will make it memorable for you and your partner, as the whole event you plan is about yourself and the love you share for each other. 
  • Design the card: Matching the exact design of the tattoo with the card can be a little tricky, but with the help of a professional, you can get the same design copied on a piece of paper and proceed with your wedding tattoo cards. 
  • Find matching templates: Taking inspiration from save-the-date images and classic wedding invites is the way to go, but people have their creative mindset and thus take inspiration from their tattoos. Now, you can either have the same design copied for your wedding invitation cards, or you can look for a pre-made template online and customize it according to your liking. This way, you will have many options, making it easier to choose what you want.  
See also  Games tattoos


After the decision to choose the design has been made, a final draft is created, and the cards are sent out for printing so that they can be posted in time for the guests to receive them. Wedding cards have always had a unique significance and are the best part about the wedding. Couples always try to make these cards as unique as they can so that when they grow old, they can look back and cherish these memories.
