Helpful Phone Interview Tips To Nail It 

by in Education
phone interview tips

Looking for helpful phone interview tips? Look no further, but read this post until the end. The covid outbreak has made remote interviews on the phone a mainstream activity of the hiring processes. All the rounds are being conducted on phone or zoom calls. However, your interview experience may differ in the two cases. If you are not sure how to slay a phone interview, this post can help you with some handy phone interview tips. Master the art of the phone interview with the tried and tested tips described here. Let’s start! 

How To Get Interview Calls? 

If you are looking for a job and want recruiters to reach you out on a priority basis, follow the below-given tips: 

phone interview tips


1: Update Your Profile On Job Finding Portals Regularly

First of all, you need to update your CV on job portals on a regular basis. It makes the recruiters see your profile before others. This is how the algorithms of all online channels work. The more you post or update, the higher you will be preferred over the others. 

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2: Ask Your Personal Contacts In The Relevant Industry

When looking for job calls, asking the people who have worked with you can be a good move. They can give you a few important job insights so that you can prepare accordingly. Besides, there are many companies who prefer the references of their current employees. The best thing is that they will keep you informed about the ongoing processes. 

3: Post On The Social Media Pages 

If you are trying different channels to reach out for job opportunities, social media platforms can be your best bet. Post them on Facebook, LinkedIn, and your WhatsApp status as well. It increases your chance to get the interview call for the relevant profile you are looking for. 

4: Reply to The Emails You Have Received For Job

If you are getting emails from the recruiters, reply to them in a prompt manner. An early reply secures you better chances. Recruiters are hunting for the candidates. Your swift response can give you an advantage over the other candidates. 

How To Plan Your Phone Interview? 

Now that you know the phone interview tips to get more calls, let’s see how to systematize the ongoing interview processes: 

1: Maintain A Comprehensive Sheet For Yourself

You can maintain a comprehensive excel sheet for you with all the updates on the ongoing interview process. It may include comprehensive categories, such as the name of the company, job location, contact details, round descriptions, follow-up times, and several others. This effective management can help you keep up with the interview processes without losing track. 

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2: Tweak Your Resume Based On Job Description 

The job roles may vary slightly from one company to another. Therefore, before sending your CV, change your expertise according to the job roles. Also, when sending the email, keep these important phone interview tips in mind to change the job roles. 

3: Take Regular Follow-Up Calls

Making regular follow-up calls is a crucial step to reach the next level of the job. If you haven’t heard back from the recruiter, make a call and get to know about the updates on your application. Secondly, the interview processes sometimes get dragged for weeks. In this situation, you need to stay connected and get regular updates for the same. 

4: Do The Assessment Tasks On Time

If you get an assessment task after the interview briefing, complete it swiftly in the given time. It leaves a good impression on the interviewer and promotes your chances of selection. Delaying the task and making excuses can have a negative impact. However, it doesn’t mean at all that you have to make a hassle in doing the task. Start early and give your best to crack the assessment task round. 

Things To Keep In Mind During The Interview

After considering these important phone interview tips, check these points that can help you during the interview call: 

1: Prepare A Few Common Questions

First, you will be asked a few common questions about yourself, your educational qualification, relevant industry experience, and the usual interview questions about leadership and other related questions. When you start well, your confidence level will sky-rocketed. Also, when you manage to get a good first impression, the interviewer will keep you in mind when giving out the results. 

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2: Read About The Company Profile, Mission & Vision Statement

When you give an interview on the call, the interviewer expects that you have gone through the company profile and the products/services that it offers. Also, read about the mission and core values of the company and make sure that your answers incorporate these values. It gives an impression that you are an ideal candidate for this profile whose skill set aligns perfectly with their requirements. 

3: Understand Your Roles & Answer Accordingly

You need to understand your roles and responsibilities before attending the interview call. Besides, make sure that you are in a position to explain every point mentioned in your CV. There should not be anything that is listed there, but you are blank when asked by the interviewer about the same. Go through your CV and prepare everything well. Also, if the job requires a different skillset, learn it before appearing for the interview. 

4: Answer The Questions About Your Shortcomings Honestly

If you have gaps in your career or have any other shortcomings in your CV, try to answer them honestly. Don’t lie or make false stories. It might not go unnoticed by the interviewer. On the other hand, when you admit the flaws and try to give a genuine reason behind them, good or bad, they will consider it and give you a chance to rectify the past transgressions

Final Words! 

This friendly post elaborates on the phone interview tips that can help you in cracking a telephonic interview with the utmost ease. Follow these points and go with your inner instincts. They will lead your path to attain your dream job. Best of luck with your future interviews! Stay connected for more helpful posts! 


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